
Thread vs thread

Thread is a class in Java where as thread is an individual, lightweight process. Every thread has its own call stack, in other words: a call stack executes in a separate thread.

Starting a Thread

A thread in Java starts as an instance of a Thread. A Thread executes the target java.lang.Runnable in a new thread.

Runnable r = () -> {};
new Thread(r).start();

A single instance of a Runnable can be passed to and executed by multiple threads. That would mean the same job will be processed multiple times, by different threads.

Runnable r = () -> {};

new Thread(r).start();
new Thread(r).start();  // This is fine 

The Thread Scheduler

The Thread Scheduler is the part of the Java Virtual Machine which pulls alive threads from the thread pool and moves them between runnable and running states. A Thread can influence / notify the scheduler on its intend using the following methods:

static void sleep(long millis) throws InterruptedException
static void yield()
void join() throws InterruptedException

Thread States

A Thread is considered to be:

Alive Threads

An alive thread can be in one of the following states:

Runnable State

A thread is considered to be in runnable state when it is started but not actually being executed. It may be moved to running state any time by the Thread Scheduler.

Running State

A thread is considered to be in running state while it is actually being executed. A thread in the running state can..

Blocked / Waiting / Sleeping State

A thread that has been started and was in running state at least once but not currently being actually executed will be in either of these states. Such a thread can only be moved to runnable state and never to running state immediatly. It may also stay in its current state in case the reason never vanishes that blocks or makes the thread sleep.

Preventing Thread Execution

Making a Thread Sleep

A thread goes to sleep when the static method sleep is called within its call stack.

Thread.sleep(long millis) throws InterruptedException

Note that:

Making a Thread Yield

static yield() influences the Thread Scheduler to move the current running thread to runnable state. There is no guarantee that it will have any effect. Even if the thread moves to runnable state, it might be picked up immediately and moved to running state.

Making a thread Join Another thread

join() throws InterruptedException moves the current thread to blocked state until the thread being joined finishes.

Runnable longRunning = () -> {
    try {
        System.out.println("I am done!");
    } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {}

Thread longRunningThread = new Thread(longRunning);

out.println("I will wait for my long running friend!");
longRunningThread.join();  // Blocks until longRunningThread finishes
out.println("I can continue!");

// I will wait for my long running friend!
// I am done!
// I can continue!

Thread Problems and Synchronisation

Race Condition

A race condition can be summarised as a thread using (or racing in to) a resource while another thread is doing an operation on the very same resource that is supposed to be atomic.

The following example in my case prints 0 for the most of the time, but not every time. The value seen in the console will be -10 from time to time.

class Account {
    int balance = 50;
    int withdraw() {
        balance = balance - 10;
        return 10;

class Client implements Runnable {
    Account account;
    public Client(Account account) {
        this.account = account;
    public void run() {
        while (account.balance > 0) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {}

Account account = new Account();
Client alice = new Client(account);
Client bob = new Client(account);

Thread threadAlice = new Thread(alice);
Thread threadBob = new Thread(bob);


threadAlice.join();  // join the main thread
threadBob.join();    // join the main thread

out.println(account.balance); // Most of the time 0, -10 from time to time

The race condition occurs as follows. Assuming account balance is currently 10:

  1. alice checks account.balance > 0.
  2. Before alice calls account.withdraw(), bob races in.
  3. bob also checks account.balance > 0 and at this point alice has not withdrawn yet.
  4. alice calls account.withdraw() and balance becomes 0.
  5. bob calls account.withdraw() while balance actually is 0.
  6. Account balance becomes -10.

Making Operations Atomic

Using Synchronisation

We must guarantee that checking the balance and withdrawing is atomic. We can make use of synchronized as seen in the below example.

class ThreadSafeAccount {
    int balance = 50;
    synchronized int withdraw() {
        if (balance == 0)
            return 0;
        balance = balance - 10;
        return 10;

Once a thread enters the withdraw method, it is guaranteed that no other thread can enter any synchronized methods (including withdraw), making balance overdraw impossible.

Synchronisation and Locks

Arbitrary Lock Example

class Foo {
    Object lock_1 = new Object();
    Object lock_2 = new Object();

    void foo() {
        synchronized (lock_1) {}

    void bar() {
        synchronized (lock_2) {}

In the example above, assume an instance of Foo is shared between 2 threads, namely a and b. Assume a enters foo, which would make a acquire lock_1. At this point, if b tries to enter foo, it would not succeed. However b is free to enter bar by acquiring the lock of lock_2 which is free.

Synchronized Method vs Synchronized Block

Synchronising a method is identical to having a synchronised block on this in the method.

synchronized void foo() {}

void foo() {
    synchronized (this) {}

Thread Safety

A class is said to be thread-safe if its data is protected by synchronized methods / blocks. However it still needs consideration to use thread-safe classes.

List<String> synchronizedList = 
    Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>());

Runnable r = () -> {
    if (synchronizedList.size() > 0) {
        try {
            String remove = synchronizedList.remove(0);
            if (remove == null) {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

Thread a = new Thread(r);
Thread b = new Thread(r);


The example above will throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException even though we are using a SynchronizedList. In a SynchronizedList each individual method is synchronized. There is nothing stopping from the following:

  1. a asks if the list is empty, acquiring the lock of the list
    • At this point b can not access any methods of the list
  2. a releases the lock knowing the list is not empty
  3. a goes to runnable state
  4. b asks the list if it is empty acquiring the lock
    • At this point a can not access any method of the list
  5. b releases the lock knowing the list is not empty
  6. a gets its turn and removes the item from the list
    • At this point b can not call the remove method
  7. a releases the lock
  8. b removes the element and the exception is thrown

It is better to use just a plain old ArrayList, but synchronising on the list itself as seen below.

List<String> synchronizedList = new ArrayList<>();

Runnable r = () -> {
    synchronized (synchronizedList) {
        if (synchronizedList.size() > 0) {
            try {
                String remove = synchronizedList.remove(0);
                if (remove == null) {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {}

Thread a = new Thread(r);
Thread b = new Thread(r);



A deadlock happens when a thread acquires lock_1 and starts waiting for lock_2 to be released, where lock_2 is acquired by another thread which is waiting for lock_1 to be released. Neither thread is ever able to acquire the lock it is waiting for, and neither thread ever releases the lock it is holding.

class DeadLockExample {

    Object lock_1 = new Object();
    Object lock_2 = new Object();

    void foo() {
        synchronized (lock_1) {
            try {Thread.sleep(10);}
            catch (InterruptedException e) {}
            synchronized (lock_2) {

    void bar() {
        synchronized (lock_2) {
            try {Thread.sleep(10);}
            catch (InterruptedException e) {}
            synchronized (lock_1) {

DeadLockExample deadLockExample = new DeadLockExample();

Runnable foo = () ->;
Runnable bar = () ->;

new Thread(foo).start();
new Thread(bar).start();

Thread Starvation

Thread starvation happens when a thread acquires a lock on a shared resource and goes onto a long running process or an infinite loop, never giving a chance to the other thread to proceed.

wait - notify

A thread can acquire a lock on an object, and then may decide to release its lock by calling the wait method until notify is called on the same object by some other thread.

void wait() throws InterruptedException
void notify()
void notifyAll()

For example:

  1. thread-a acquires the lock on list.
  2. thread-a queries for the size of the list.
  3. thread-a sees that list is empty.
  4. Instead of releasing the lock and sleeping only to acquire the lock again to check if the list is empty, thread-a can call wait on the list object (which causes thread-a to release the lock its holding) which will block the execution of thread-a until notify is called on the same object.
  5. thread-b acquires the lock on list.
  6. thread-b inserts an item in the list.
  7. thread-b calls notify on the list, unlike wait this does not end up in releasing the lock immediately.
  8. thread-b releases the lock on list by exiting the synchronized block.
  9. thread-a gets notified and starts running, acquiring the lock on list.
wait() wait(long timeout) notify() notifyAll()
Can only be called on objects where the lock is acquired.
Throws IllegalMonitorStateException which is an unchecked exception, hence need not to be handled.
Throws checked exception InterruptedException. Does not throws any checked exceptions.
Releases the lock immediately and blocks the thread. Does not release the lock immediately.
Waits until notify is called on the object. Waits until notify is called on the object or timeout occurs. Only one of the threads waiting on the object is notified, which one is undefined. All of the threads waiting on the object is notified, which one will run first is undefined.

wait - notify Example

class Notifier implements Runnable {
    Stack<String> messages;

    public Notifier(Stack<String> messages) {
        this.messages = messages;

    public void run() {
        while (true) {
            synchronized (messages) {
                if (messages.empty()) {
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {}
                String mostRecentMsg = messages.pop();
                System.out.println( + " " + mostRecentMsg);
                if (mostRecentMsg.equals("q"))

class Receiver implements Runnable {
    Stack<String> messages;

    public Receiver(Stack<String> messages) {
        this.messages = messages;

    public void run() {
        while (true) {
            Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
            String msg = scanner.nextLine();
            synchronized (messages) {

Stack<String> messages = new Stack<>();

new Thread(new Notifier(messages)).start();
new Thread(new Receiver(messages)).start();

// Hello World!
// 12:20:50.057 Hello World!
// Thank you!
// 12:20:52.113 Thank you!
// q
// 12:20:52.989 q
// Process finished with exit code 255

wait - notify Example - 2

Object lock = new Object();

new Thread(() -> {
    synchronized(lock) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {}

try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}

System.out.print("Press any button to continue.");
new Scanner(;
synchronized (lock) {

// Press any button to continue.
// (Users hits enter in console)
// Notified!
