
Data Types


Remember backticks support new lines and inline variables..

const myVar = "foo";

const backTicks = 
  `Backticks support new lines. 
   And inline variables: ${myVar}`;

null and undefined

null is not a reference to a non-existing object or a null pointer. The code below represents that name is unknown for whatever reason:

let myName = null;

undefined means a value is not assigned. If a variable is declared but not assigned a value, it is undefined.

let myName;  // undefined

You should never explicitly set a variable to be undefined. The literal undefined value is provided mainly for comparison, to help formalize the difference between an empty object pointer, null and an uninitialized variable.

Cheat Sheet

let typeOfVar;

// both return strings
typeOfVar = typeof var  // using as an operator
typeOfVar = typeof(var) // as a function


An object can be created using one of the two syntaxes:

let foo = {};
let bar = new Object();

Object are useful when they store properties:

let employee = {
    firstname: "Koray",
    lastname: "Tugay"

We can also delete properties from objects:

delete employee.firstname; // Removes the property from the object

Functions Returning Objects

Many times there will be functions that create objects to avoid code repetition.

function newUser(name, age) {
    return {
        name: name,
        age: age

And there is a shorthand for this, in case the variables have same names with function properties:

function newUser(name, age) {
    return {
        name,  // same with name: name
        age    // same with age: age

Flashy Property Names

Objects can have flashy property names within quotes:

let foo = {
    "flashy property name": "flash property value"

Flashy property names cannot be accessed using the dot notation, and must use square brackets:

let val = foo["flashy property name"];

Square brackets also lets referencing property names that are not literals:

let preferedName = "firstname";
let name = employee[preferedName]; // not possible with name.preferedName

With square brackets, you can even have dynamic property names:

let name = "firstname";
let employee = {[name]: "Koray"};  // {firstname: "Koray"} - This is crazy..

Functions in Objects

Objects can have functions as properties too:

let user = {
    greet: function() {
        return "Greetings!";

The method above can be called via:


There is a shorthand form for functions in objects:

let user = {
    greet() {
        return "Greetings!";


JavaScript is very liberal in terms of calling functions. If you pass too many arguments, extra ones will be ignored. If you pass too few, missing parameters get assigned undefined. This allow functions to be called with different number of arguments.

function minus(a, b) {
    if (b === undefined)
        return -a; 
        return a - b;

Default Value for Parameters in Functions

function power(base, exponent = 2) {
    // You already understand..

Functions are Values

Functions are values in JavaScript, which makes them very powerful and in the same time somewhat confusing..

// This is a function expression, semicolon at the end.
let msgFormatter = function(from, msg) {
    return `Message from ${from} : ${msg}`;

// This is a function declaration. No semicolon at the end.
function fetchMessageFormatted(url, formatter) {
    // fetch message from some remote service
    let msg = fromRemoteService(url);
    return formatter(msg, url);

// I can pass function itself to another function:
fetchMessageFormatted('remote-service-url', msgFormatter);

Such functions are called callback functions. The idea is that we pass a function and expect it to be “called back” later. We can pass anonymous functions as well, which is another powerful aspect of functions as values:

    function(from, msg) {
        return `${msg} from: ${from}`;

Arrow Functions

To make things even more confusing, there is yet another syntax for declaring functions.

let myArrowFunct = (arg1, arg2, arg3) => functionBody;
let numberMultiplier = (num, multiplier) => num * multiplier;

JavaScript is full of situations where we need to write a small function that’s executed somewhere else.

myArr.forEach(myFunct);  // myFunct is executed for every item of myArr

Global Object

The global object is provided by the runtime environment and it is the object accessed when you do not specify any specific objects. In browsers, global object is window whereas in node it is global.

When you access the Math object directly in a browser environment, as in Math.E, you are actually accessing window.Math.

There are many other properties that are very useful that comes with the global object, simply type window or globalThis in the console and see for yourself.

Dark Side of the JavaScript

Rest Parameters

To gather all passed arguments in an array, use the rest (...) operator. The dots literally mean gather the remaining parameters into an array.

function authorTitles(firstname, lastname, ...titles) {
    return {

let king = authorTitles("Stephen", "King", "christine", "it", "shining");

// Prints the following, note how titles are in an array:
// { 
//     firstname: 'Stephen',
//     lastname: 'King',
//     titles: [ 'christine', 'it', 'shining' ] 
// }

The rest parameters must always be at the very end, as the last function parameter.

Spread Syntax

Spread syntax looks very similar to the rest parameters, also using ..., but does quite the opposite. It spreads the the values of an iterable to individual values:

function greet(firstname, lastname) {
    console.log(`Hello ${lastname}. Can I call you ${firstname}?`);

greet(...["Koray", "Tugay"]);
// Hello Mr.Tugay. Can I call you Koray?

Note how values in the array has been expanded.

Array Destructuring

Destructuring assignment is a special syntax that allows us to “unpack” arrays or objects into a bunch of variables.

let [firstname, lastname] = ["Koray", "Tugay"];
// firstname is set to "Koray"
// lastname is set to "Tugay"

Remember the example from spread syntax? Here is something similar to that:

function greet([firstname, lastname]) {
    console.log(`Hello ${lastname}. Can I call you ${firstname}?`);

greet(["Koray", "Tugay"]);
// Hello Mr.Tugay. Can I call you Koray?

Object destructuring

We can also destructure objects..

let kt = {
    firstname: "Koray",
    lastname: "Tugay"

let { firstname, lastname } = kt;

// firstname is set to "Koray"
// lastname is set to "Tugay"

You can even destructure nested objects:

let foo = {
    bar: "immediate value",
    nested: {
        baz: "nested value"

let {
    nested: {
} = foo;

console.log(bar); // immediate value
console.log(baz); // nested value

References and Useful Tools
